31 March 2014

COUNTDOWN: The Ninja Librarians: The Accidental Keyhand

This week's question from The Ninja Librarians: The Accidental Keyhand, asks which scenes from a book you'd want to experience.  Sometimes I get so involved in the books I read that I forget that I'm not the one experiencing what happens.  Nonetheless, in no particular order, here are my ten scenes:

  1. I would love to be Harry Potter during his first trip to Diagon Alley in The Sorcerer's Stone
  2. I would like to be Bean when Ender finishes his "final exam" in Ender's Game, since Bean was probably the only child in that room who understood what was at stake. 
  3. I would like to be Lucy from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when she first stumbles through the wardrobe into the eternal winter and meets Mr. Tumnus. 
  4. I would want my wife to join me and we could replace Zoe and Vanessa in Sing You Home and have our wedding in a bowling alley during an epic snowstorm.  Our wedding was, by necessity, done in another state and none of our friends and family attended, so I could deal with a bowling alley location if we could be surrounded by friends and family.
  5. I would love to be one of the flying frogs in Tuesday.  Maybe the ones who sneak into the guy's house and watch his TV on the sly. 
  6. I would like to be Principal Rabbski in Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue when she fights back against FunTime and tells the students she's not going to be a principal anymore.
  7. I would want to be one of the chaperones at the dance in Ungifted when Noah, in his wrestler's "outfit," jumps off a speaker and rescues Tin Man Metallica Squarepants. 
  8. I would like to be a fly on the wall watching and listening to Momo and General Goodtimes in Beauty Queens.
  9. I would want to be Harper Price in Rebel Belle when she picks up her boyfriend (who outweighs her by at least seventy-five pounds) and throws him across the school yard. On accident. 
  10. I would like to be the owners of Binky the Space Cat when he is confronted with the new foster cat (whom he thinks is a spy). Watching Binky would be ridiculously entertaining.
What about you? Are there any scenes you wish you could insert yourself into?

If you missed the other installments in the series, here are links to Part One and Part Two

1 comment:

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