23 March 2016

Zero Day

Gangsei, Jan. Zero Day. Disney-Hyperion, 2016.

Addie was kidnapped when she was eight years old. Eight years later, she shows up in a police department and insists that she is indeed Addie Webster, daughter of the current president of the United States. She is vetted via blood test and sent home to recover in the White House. But is Addie really back? And what happened to her during those eight years away?

This is a standard thriller except that it's targeted at teens. I read it in mostly one sitting, and even though I had figured out a lot of the twists beforehand, I still enjoyed the story. This would be an easy book to book talk and I could place it in the hands of even the most unwilling reader and convince them to just try it out. The fast pace of the story will keep many people turning pages, but stronger readers may be bothered by the cardboard-cutout characters, since the focus is on the action. Nonetheless, a good story that is already gracing the shelves of my library.

Recommended for: teens
Red Flags: violence, minor language, teens spike their milkshakes with alcohol
Overall Rating: 4/5 stars

Read-Alikes: The Naturals, The Rules for Disappearing, This Is Where It Ends

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