22 April 2011

A Collection of Wednesdays

Hayes, Amy. A Collection of Wednesdays: Creating a Whole from the Parts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010.

Amy Hayes uses Wednesdays as her writing days.  She writes whatever's on her heart, and this is also what she has chosen to share with the rest of the world.  The writings in this book do not follow a particular order, but life in general doesn't seem to go in order, either.  She writes about a variety of topics such as belief, books, music, and wisdom, and like the Puritans shows that God is in everything.

This is a great "night stand in the guest room" book - not too deep, but still thought-provoking. I don't know that I would put it in my own collection, but I could easily imagine buying such a book to give to a church friend.

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